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Money Operates on Two Levels — Within the 'Real' World and Within Our Psyches

As one study defines it, financial therapy is “dedicated to the integration of economic, cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and relational aspects of financial well-being.”

In short, financial therapy explores what money means to us on an emotional level, because that’s where “money problems” arise: from the core of who we are. Financial therapists like Laurie Buntain explore that intimate relationship, allowing us to realize true and lasting financial freedom.

Until recently, if we had a “money problem,” our only recourse was to make an appointment with a financial advisor or an accountant, which is a great thing to do, but only if we know in advance that money operates on two levels — in the “real” world and within our psyches.

Today, psychologists and growing numbers of financial advisors recognize that the key to financial wellness is not simply a matter of good bookkeeping: Financial wellness is mindfulness about our relationship with money.

“Money, psychologically speaking, is our projection onto coins, bills, bank accounts and other financial instruments of our beliefs, hopes and fears about how those things will affect who we are, what will happen to us and how we will be treated by others or by ourselves.” – Richard Trachtman, PhD


What the Experts Say . . .

There is a saying among therapists that "you are as sick as your secrets." Money in many ways is the biggest secret in American Life. Many scholars argue that money is the number one social taboo in America. We talk a great deal about it in general terms — wishing we had more, criticizing the way government spends it, or complaining about the cost of this or that. But we don’t talk about it as it relates to us personally. (Klontz, Kahler, Klontz, 2008)


Contact Laurie Buntain

Couples or individuals. In-person or by-phone sessions.